Snippets from Ikigai
I think a lot of us have heard of the famous Japanese book, Ikigai, an easy pick for anyone with a new found love for reading. I too, being a novice reader, and in an attempt to satisfy my hunger of finishing a book, picked up this beautiful piece of art ( literally so, the cover is really pretty :D ).
Anyway, here I am, jotting down the pieces that captured my heart the most. Starting off with the best, It is not what happens to you, but how you react, that matters.

Makes things crystal clear for you, doesn’t it? All of us, go through varying experience in our lives, juggling the good and the bad, and the worse, in our own timelines, while balancing the outsides. How does one person seem to be handling it so well, while the other breaks down? Were their circumstances not as challenging as mine? Probably not. Or maybe it’s just that I can see my own pain more clearly than theirs. It is not what happens, but how you react. I could be having the worst time in my life, but how I chose to react to it, is what defines my demeanour.
In conjunction to it, concentrate on things you can control, not the ones spiralling out of your grip.
From the famous Serenity Prayer,
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Till next time, keep being the amazing furball that you are :)